10 Ways To Avoid Winter Weight Gain

By Suzanne Kvilhaug

Winter weight gain can be more brutal than what’s going on outside. Suddenly you’re having trouble zipping up your pants, shirts are snug as a bug in a rug and the thought of showing any skin besides your wrists makes you feel uneasy. The shift in daylight, sleep patterns being thrown off, hormone issues, and craving changes are just several reasons why you may start packing on the pounds. One time my grandmother who could be described as blunt, ran into an old friend and started the convo off with “Wow, you’re really packing on the pounds!”. Talk about a conversation starter and ender all in one. 

Assuming you don’t want to be packing on the pounds or hearing from someone that you did come spring, there are many different things you can do to keep this from happening. 

Start eating bigger meals early on in the day

If you eat a lot at night, try eating more early on in the day and taper off. Eating more calories in the morning and burning them off throughout the day makes more sense then eating a big meal before bed and having it sit in your stomach while you sleep.

Take a Vitamin D supplement

When the seasons change and you’re no longer able to go out in the sun, vitamin D levels plummet. Talk about depressing! Vitamin D deficiency is associated with developing obesity, and with health problems linked to obesity. Be adamant about taking a vitamin D supplement and getting the right amount

Drink black coffee

Do you put sweeteners, milk or cream in your coffee? Try drinking black coffee! Although the additives seem harmless in small amounts, they add up over time. As someone who used to put at least 6 sweet’n lows in my coffee (rookie mistake!), I can tell you it’s possible to nix anything and simply enjoy the coffee. Black coffee tastes amazing and once you get used to the real flavor of it, you’ll laugh that you thought you ever needed to add anything. If it’s just too strong in the beginning, pair it with a banana or a healthy cacao snack

Work out while you watch TV 

Watching more TV is inevitable for most people when the weather gets colder out. It’s so easy to lift some weights, do yoga poses, foam roll, stretch, etc. while doing it. Maybe this isn’t for everyone but you won’t know until you try it. And if you do like it, it soon becomes a habit and doing it often can really make a difference. 

Try a food trend that you’ve been eyeing

So many food trends, where to begin?! Somewhere! And during the winter is a great time to start. Curious about being vegan? Completely gluten-free? Keto? Vegan keto? Start trying new ways of eating and see if one of them really works for you.

Don’t stress about gaining weight 

Energy flows where attention goes. What you focus on grows. If you are constantly worried about gaining weight, you might find yourself living out a self-fulfilling prophecy. Be mindful about staying healthy and keeping the weight off but don’t obsess over it. 

Find comfort meals that are healthy

There are so many ways to make healthy hearty meals that taste great and fill you up. Instead of choosing to have big meals with unhealthy ingredients and a ton of calories, make it a point to find recipes that will satisfy your taste buds and keep your waistline in check. Doing a little research goes a long way here. 

Start listening to podcasts at the gym

Treadmills are tricky. Some people love them, some people can’t stand them. Last winter I started to plan out podcasts to listen to and what a difference it made. Think- smaller tummy, bigger brain! 

Book a trip somewhere warm 

Not only will you be getting some much needed sun, you’ll be much more likely to work out because of what’s in the near future. And when you have something exciting to look forward to, you won’t experience the winter blues in the same way or even at all. A tropical trip during the dead of winter is a win for your mental, physical and spiritual health.

Get a Fitbit 

Sometimes all it takes is being reminded of how little you’ve moved to get you moving around. Seeing you’ve walked 5 steps all day can really get your attention. Using a Fitbit or a device like it could be all the motivation you need to be active.