Full of Ideas But No Motivation? Find the Drive to Fulfill Your Ambitions

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By: Suzanne Kvilhaug

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I remember when I came across the quote “To begin, begin” from William Wordsworth. I felt like he could deservingly drop the mic after saying that. Although it’s only three words, it’s really the only three words you need to hear when you’re contemplating how to start something. Talk about a “well, duh!” statement that simplifies, motivates, and leaves no room for a gray area. 

When you look back on your life and think of things you didn’t accomplish but wish you did, what was the reason? Analysis paralysis? Living in your head? Or maybe along the way you quit for a variety of reasons. There never seems to be a concrete answer and it varies from person to person and situation to situation. But what is concrete is the feeling of utter frustration. The theory that you’ll always regret what you didn’t do instead of what you did seems to ring true. Coulda, shoulda, woulda.

Being healthier, losing weight, exercising, eating better, gaining strength, starting a new business, switching careers, even changing your look - whatever it is that you want to do can feel like an uphill battle in the beginning. Fear, lack of confidence, a busy schedule and the inability to tolerate change can all be contributing factors for not having the right motivation to follow through. If you have big dreams but are struggling to get motivated to act on new ideas, here are some tips to help inspire you to get started and sustain your motivation throughout the process. 

Get organized

Cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind. A messy space can lead to a messy mind. If you completely organize your space, from your car to your bedroom, and keep them clean, you’ll feel a whole lot better mentally. Being surrounded by clutter can add to the stress in your life and mess can have a detrimental impact on your overall sense of well-being. But having a clean and organized space can help you focus longer and be more productive.

Purging your space Marie Kondo style can also make you feel like you have a fresh start and give you an infusion of confidence to take the next steps toward your goals. When you feel better mentally and you’re not feeling the weight of a mess, you free up mental space and energy to put towards your plans.

Make a daily list


Using a pad and paper and writing out a good old fashioned to-do list can work wonders. A good habit to get into is writing one out at the beginning of the day. It can lay things out and keep you centered and focused on what’s needed in the short-term. Not only does it help you see what needs to be done but it’s also a smart way to keep things from slipping through the cracks. 

By making a list, and crossing things off it you can actually help motivate yourself to get more done. The sense of pride, and even relief, you may feel by marking things complete can help prime you to tackle your next item. For bonus points, cap off your evening with a list that highlights your best accomplishments, even outside of your self-assigned tasks, to help give yourself positive affirmation for all the good things you’ve done during the day.

Break it into steps 


Lofty goals can be intimidating. But maybe this quote from Arthur Ashe can help ignite an ah-ha moment.

Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can

Because really when you think about it, what else can you do? 

Say your goal is to run a marathon but you’ve never even come close to running the 5k distance. You’ll need to work out a plan with smaller distance goals before you can even think of taking on the big race. If you want to eat a cleaner diet, quitting all packaged foods from the get-go will likely backfire. Inspired to become vegan? Starting out veganish may be your best bet to get there. Have a business idea but no idea how to get it off the ground? Start with a little market research and a high-level plan. It doesn’t have to be pitch-ready but just writing down your ideas will feel like progress.

Be reasonable yet consistent with what it is you want to do. Then continue to chip away at it. And when you feel annoyed at how long it’s taking, remember that this feeling will pass but you’ll be permanently annoyed if you stop. “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” from Earl Nightingale says it best.

Find quotes and mantras that you really connect with


You may have already noticed, but I enjoy quotes. Some people roll their eyes when they see quotes on their social media feed while others fist pump after they read it and give it a share. Nothing excited me more than changing the quote section in my AOL profile at the ripe age of 12 and I’m that friend sending quotes. During periods of growth, transition, or working to make certain things happen, I’ve always found that referring to certain quotes and concepts help me stay the course.

If you feel the same, read through quote books, check out Brainyquote, build a quote board on Pinterest, and consider writing your favorite ones in a journal so they are easy to reference. Sometimes all you need is a quick reminder from others who have achieved success to remain enthusiastic and stay persistent. 

Listen to audiobooks and podcasts

Like I said, I love quotes. And this one from Mike Dooley can put reality into perspective. “The one thing all famous authors, world-class athletes, business tycoons, singers, actors, and celebrated achievers in any field have in common is that they all began their journeys when they were none of these things. Yet still, they began their journeys.” You can see people doing what you want to do and forget that there was a time they were where you are. Audiobooks and podcasts are great tools when it comes to learning from experts and finding success stories to serve as tools for inspiration and motivation. 

Cut down on the time that you spend on electronics


Imagine that you never accomplish what you dreamed of doing in life because you wasted too much time on your phone or Netflix. It’s not that far-fetched of an idea. Screen time totals can add up easily and even become an addiction. Be mindful of how much time you spend online and limit your screen time so it doesn’t get in the way of what’s really important to you. Trade one more hour of binge-watching for an hour of writing out your bucket list. Trade your evening Insta-scroll for an extra hour of sleep to help make sure you wake up fully refreshed and energized.

No matter what your electronic vices may be, there’s a good chance they’re eating into your motivation to be productive. Skip the social media FOMO and put your energy into a YOLO mentality instead.

Become comfortable with spending time alone


Ideas, creativity, personal revelations, spiritual growth, and emotional healing are all things that can come from being alone. Yes, it’s important to be social and share activities, even virtual ones, with other people. But everyone needs some productive alone time to turn thoughts into actions. If you’re always “too busy” to take a jog, clean your pantry or start road-mapping your business idea, then you may have to schedule some time to focus on those solitary pursuits.

Finding a balance between spending time with good people and taking time to be alone can help catapult you to success. I’ve always wholeheartedly agreed with the sentiment that being alone has a power very few can handle. And with personal power comes confidence, action, and productivity. 

Create some accountability


Making lists is a good start but sometimes we need a human support system to keep ourselves accountable. Yes, it’s important to be self-motivated and productive by yourself, but nobody accomplishes anything entirely on their own. It’s not just ok, it’s important to ask for help when you need it.

Whether it’s a workout buddy, a driven friend who has your back, or even a paid life coach, another person who is invested in your achievements may be what you need to create a sense of accountability and to help you get past challenges. Depending on your goals and personality, make sure to pick someone that inspires you and that you look forward to learning from and sharing with. 

Find a stress outlet


Stress busters are a must. Even though some people can wear stress like a badge of honor, it technically means that you’re not taking proper care of your mental health. If you’re on the path to doing big things, you can’t do them if you’re in a constantly frazzled state. And if you are the rare type who can, wouldn’t you rather be happier and calmer throughout the process? Consider doing wellness-centered activities like meditation, yoga, walking, and massages to effectively decompress and relieve stress regularly. 

When it comes to making things happen in our lives, starting can be the hardest part. So to bring things full circle, here’s a Chinese proverb that might help; “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Any of the things we’ve covered here can be your first step. From reorganizing your space to asking a friend for help, a single action can be your new beginning.

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