Morning Affirmations to Help You Wake Up Early

Written By: Taylor Rao

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Surely, you’ve heard the phrase, “There aren’t enough hours in the day.” And even though sometimes that might feel true, there also are, you know, 24 hours in a day…and that’s a lot of hours to be productive, have fun and still have time to rest.

But what can you do when you’re constantly feeling like you’re running out of time? You can begin a new routine and start waking up earlier to gain a few extra hours before you rush out the door, jump into work, or let the day get away from you in other ways.

According to, there are many benefits to waking up early, from being able to enjoy peace and quiet before the rest of your house wakes up, giving yourself more time for your morning commute (AKA less time spent sitting in traffic), or simply making room for other activities like exercise or meal prep to make the rest of your day less stressful.

If you typically like to sleep in or are known to press the snooze button, there are some things you can do to motivate yourself to wake up earlier and be excited to start the day. One idea is to start your day off with positive affirmations, phrases you can choose to say and repeat to start off on the right foot. This is a tool that proves beneficial for people of all ages and can help set your mind straight and have a brighter outlook on the day, which will soon become your motivation to get up with your alarm (or the sun!) and wake up earlier.

Here are a few positive morning affirmations you can use to help you wake up early.

“I wake up in the morning with a smile”

There is such a thing as getting up on the wrong side of the bed, and one way to avoid that feeling of doom when you lift up your head is shutting down any negative thoughts before they begin. You can choose to wake up with a smile and start by spending a few moments in the morning focusing on your breathing, physically smiling, and telling yourself you will wake up with a smile and take on the day with the intent.

“I will be productive today”

Everybody has goals when it comes to what they want to accomplish on any given day, but starting off by saying you will be productive, versus applying pressure on yourself to get every single task done, can be a good way to make progress without falling short of your own expectations. Being productive has multiple meanings, and even if you don’t check every item off your to-do list, if you felt like you did a good job, you can wake up the next day and say the same thing to finish out strong.

“My mind is clear”

If you wake up well-rested, the hope is that you’re not reaching for the snooze button or letting out a big, “sigh” before you even check your phone. But if that’s not the case and you could use a little extra motivation, remind yourself that you are starting the day with a clean state, a clear mind and the ability to start fresh.

To wake up with a clear mind, avoid drinking alcohol in the evening, put your electronics away at least a half hour before you sleep, and eat dinner at a reasonable hour instead of shortly before you go to bed. Practicing nightly rituals like these gives you time to unwind and start the process of clearing your head for the next day.

“I am lucky to be alive”

Sometimes, it can take an unfortunate or tragic life event for someone to realize how precious and fragile life is. Rather than wait for that to happen, take the time to choose happiness every day and improve your outlook by simply understanding how lucky you are to be alive.

Think about the things you hope to accomplish, your ability to move your body, and how you can manifest positive interactions and make other people in your life feel loved. It might seem like a heavy thought, but embracing life to its fullest –even the dull moments –will make you want to jump out of bed and start your day feeling good.

“I can overcome any challenge”

When you have a lot of things on your plate, it’s easy to beat yourself down first thing when you think about some of the challenges or problems that might get in the way of your day-to-day life. Sure, there might be minor inconveniences, but it’s your choice to let those things blow up your schedule and overall mindset, or find the strength to breeze through them and feel thankful for when you end up on the other side of the things that might bog you down.

Whether it’s a rush hour traffic jam, a difficult conversation at work, or one too many errands to run, these types of things are not anything worth hanging onto for the rest of the day. You can (and will) push through them and won’t find yourself sweating the small stuff when you realize you have the power to keep plugging along and face whatever is thrown your way.

“Today I can make a difference”

There is a lot of satisfaction that can come from taking the focus off of yourself and thinking about others and what you can do to help them. If you wake up in the morning and think about how you can perform a random act of kindness, do someone a favor or simply smile as you walk down the street, you are making a difference in someone’s day whether you know it or not.

When you give your time, energy, and effort to other people, it will make you feel good and fulfilled. That feeling can go a long way when it comes to starting your day and knowing for certain that you can make a positive contribution to the world just by being you.

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