Can Dogs Eat Beyond Meat? Plant-Based Foods That Are Good For Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Beyond Meat? Plant-Based Foods That Are Good For Dogs

By: Suzanne Kvilhaug

When Spot gets into the Hershey Kisses bowl, you know it could be trouble. But when Spot snatches your Beyond Meat burger and goes to town on it, you may be left this ok?

A lot of people are making the switch to plant-based diets for themselves. So it makes sense that some pet parents are wondering how to bring plant-based foods into their dog’s diet. Dogs have come a long way from their wolf ancestors and have evolved to be omnivorous. So, it is possible for a dog to maintain a plant-based diet, but it has to be managed carefully to maintain a complete, healthy nutritional balance. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as feeding dog the kind of meat alternatives that people can enjoy. So let’s dive into a little more about plant-based foods for dogs.

Can dogs eat Beyond Meat? No - and here’s why: 

Unfortunately, the answer is no - meat substitutes are not recommended for dogs. It probably won’t hurt your pup if they get a little, but it shouldn’t be a dietary staple. Beyond Meat is a plant-based meat product that uses processed ingredients and is high in fat and sodium which can upset your dog’s stomach. It also contains cocoa butter for marbling and in large quantities, cocoa butter can be very bad for dogs. The amount of cocoa butter in Beyond Meat isn’t enough to be dangerous in a bite or two, but it’s another good reason to keep the Beyond Burger away from your buddy.

What happens if they do snatch a patty off your plate? Well, they may throw up or get very thirsty. So just keep an eye out for vomiting and monitor water intake. Basically, don’t let them drink so much that they get bloated. If your dog becomes difficult to rouse, unconscious or experiences a seizure call your vet or an emergency vet immediately.

Overall just remember that Beyond Meat, and companies like them, have created plant-based products with human consumption in mind, not animals. Because animals have sensitivities and issues with certain human foods, particularly certain ingredients in Beyond Meat, it is not recommended to feed pets.  

BUT - there are plenty of plant-based foods that are good for dogs.  

How To Create a plant Based Diet For a Dog?

While it’s possible, creating a meat-free diet for dogs that contains all of the essential nutrients they need to thrive is extremely difficult, even for veterinary nutritionists. So it will take time, effort and probably more than a few conversations with your vet. The first step to a major dietary change for any pet should be talking to your vet to get their advice and concerns about switching to a plant-based diet for your dog. From there you and your vet can create a plan to find foods your dog likes and transition meat out of their diet.

What are some plant-based foods that your dog can eat?

As we mentioned before, the key to plant-based eating for dogs is nutritional balance. A dog’s diet requires certain nutrients like amino acids, fats, vitamins and minerals that are typically found in meat. So you’ll have to actively look for ways to supplement their meals with foods that provide those elements. A lot of those sources will be similar to the ones that human plant-based eaters use. For example:

  • Lentils

  • Rice

  • Quinoa

  • Peanuts

  • Almonds

  • Barley

  • Potatoes (not leaves and stems)

  • Soybeans and certain types of beans (Beans can cause flatulence in dogs- be mindful of how often and how much you feed them.)

  • Cantaloupe

  • Apples

  • Bananas

  • Blueberries

  • Cucumbers

  • Mangoes

  • Peaches

  • Pears

  • Pineapple

  • Raspberries

  • Strawberries

  • Watermelon

  • Broccoli

  • Dark, leafy greens

  • Carrots

With any of these foods, you’ll have to process the foods into a consistency your dog can eat, for example nuts in their whole form may be a choking hazard and will be easier for your dog to eat when ground up or in a butter form. You’ll also need to think about balance, while nuts offer vital protein they may also contribute a lot of fat.

What are some plant-based foods that your dog Can’t eat

Of course there are also plant-based foods your dog definitely cannot eat. Some things like coffee, tea and chocolate are fairly well known but there are a number of other common people foods that pose dangerous risks for dogs.

The seeds in stone fruits like cherries and peaches can cause cyanide poisoning. Onions and garlic can cause hemolytic anemia among other problems and grapes and raisins can lead to kidney failure. To help avoid those types of issues, below is a non-exhaustive list of some of the foods a dog can’t have.

  • Cherries

  • Peaches

  • Plums

  • Grapes

  • Raisins

  • Mushrooms

  • Onions

  • Garlic

  • Tomatoes

  • Macadamia nuts

  • Walnuts

  • Pistachios

It’s extremely important to avoid these types of foods when making meals or treats for your dog. Fortunately there are a lot of recipes you can build on.

Plant-Based Recipes For Dogs

If you’re not looking to create your own meals then consider vegan dog food blends like Wild Earth, V-dog or Halo Vegan Garden Medley. But if you want to make homemade dishes for your good boy, we’ve collected a few recipes for plant based dog treats and food mixes to help you get started. In addition to any plant-based meals you feed your dog, it may be worth looking at a supplement like Vegedog for nutritional balance.

Maximo’s Mush

A home crafted meal recipe from Canterbury Cottage Designs, the ingredients include sweet potatoes, zucchini or squash, peas and peanut butter. The recipe yields enough for about 2 weeks of food for a 20lbs dog, so adjust accordingly for your dog’s weight.

Vegan Pumpkin Dog Treats 

This Vegan Pumpkin Dog Treats recipe by Okonomi Kitchen needs just 4-ingredients and it’s super easy to make! Plus, they’re inexpensive & much healthier than store bought treats.

Homemade Banana Dog Treats 

This homemade banana dog treat recipe by Snoot And Toebeans includes bananas and oats, a perfect healthy breakfast for dogs. Adding bananas to a dog’s diet helps boost the immune system, replenishes electrolytes and promotes skin and coat health.

A plant-based diet for dogs can be easy to get wrong, but with research, care and help from your veterinarian plant-based eating for dogs is possible!